About the Blog and its writer


After several years of studying mixed martial arts if not practiced on frequent or regular basis the practitioner would tend to forget some of the minute details of thousands of techniques. Techniques that would help a warrior win his fights, in the ring, outside the ring or his own personal mental battle. It is so frustrating to know that there are some techniques that could have been applied during a competition or a fight and yet in retrospect it was not done because of lack of technique or completely forgetting the technique.

Hence, in this manner, this is a compilation of different techniques learned which are similar to the techniques which was taught to me and some of it are certain techniques which aroused my interest and find it applicable to my style of fighting.

Other articles include, preparation for a fight, conditioning, nutrition, making weight and Post Fight Recovery. This articles were read from different MMA coaches, trainers and even fighters. It was compiled after several years of research.

This site is intended only for me, and to some people upon which I fully trust, so as to help me remember everything, and in no way will it be used for monetary gain.

At the end, the practitioner would be whole fighter!

Above is my Personal Symbol; which signifies my profession, love for martial arts, my nationality, my ethnicity and some of my traits. This Symbol is tattoed on my right deltoid with an alibata underneath which states my family name.

I learned MMA from a brother in Christ, a fellow disciple from Chicago IL. My instructor is a former special forces team medic, he is a level 2 instructor of army combatives, trained muay thai with the royal thai marines, learned renzouko jujitsu in Japan during his tour, under the tutelage of Dr. Masaaki Hatsumi , an FMA pracitioner, a national guard and currently a prison guard officer at the Maximum Security Prison in IL. I have trained with my instructor for 2 years and almost in a daily basis. On top of that, I study and enrich my self with new techniques by reading and research.

 When my instructor got called for an assignement, I looked for a gym where I can practice my arts and learn new techniques. This lead me to the Dojo at Park Rigde near Des Plaines. I trained in that dojo under the wing of GM Bruce Gunderson who is  an USMA Hall of Famer. In a couple of months, I helped and assist the fighters of the dojo on the conditioning and MMA training with the guidance of GM Gunderson and my Instructor.

  Currently I moved in the Philippines for some personal reasons. Upon which GM Gunderson gave me the blessing of carrying the banner of his Dojo. Both an Honor and Privilege. 

To GOd be The Glory!!!

" Strength in the Body, Knowledge in the Mind, Honesty in the Heart."